Sean Payton Claims He Doesn't Remember Shit-Talking Devonta Freeman

There was a weird moment during last night’s game between the Saints and Falcons, when Saints head coach Sean Payton did some premature gloating. With his team up 17-10 and 12:30 left to play, Payton gave the “Choke!” sign to Falcons running back Devonta Freeman after Freeman had run for no gain near the Saints’ sideline: It was an odd gesture—I suppose maybe it was a reference to last year’s Super Bowl—done at an odd time, because the Falcons went on to score on that very same drive. They’d eventually win the game 20-17. Freeman was asked about the incident after the game, and he admitted that he noticed Payton’s gesture but that he didn’t let it get in his head, noting that Payton “ain’t from where I’m from”: Payton, on the other hand, tried to play dumb about the whole thing, telling reporters after the game that he didn’t remember saying anything to Freeman. The good news for Payton is that, despite his yapping, Freeman was kind enough to provide him with a valuable life lesson: wait until the game is over to start talking trash.

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